Enhanced Oil Recovery Commission (EORC)


By Wyoming State Statute, the Governor, the State Geologist and one Legislative member (appointed by the Management Council of the legislature) are Ex-Offico members of the Enhanced Oil Recovery Commission (EORC). The governor shall appoint the remaining members of whom one (1) shall be from the public at large with experience in the oil and gas industry, one (1) shall be a member of the oil and gas conservation commission, two (2) shall represent the oil and gas industry and one (1) shall be a representative of the University of Wyoming.

The EORC oversees the Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute’s financial and strategic planning.

Governor Mark Gordon

Governor Mark Gordon

Wyoming State Governor

Term: Ex-Officio


Bob King

Robert (Bob) King - Chairman


First Term: 3/1/18 - 3/1/21
Second Term: 3/1/21 - 3/1/24

Chad Brister

Chad Brister - Vice Chairman

Merit Energy Company

First Term: 3/1/19 - 3/1/22
Second Term: 3/1/22 - 3/1/25

Erin Campbell

Erin Campbell

Wyoming State Geologist

Term: Ex-Officio

Representative Reuben Tarver

Representative Reuben Tarver

Wyoming State Legislature

Term: Ex-Officio

Eli Bebout

Eli Bebout

Nucor Drilling

First Term: 3/1/21 - 3/1/24

Paul Ulrich

Paul Ulrich

Jonah Energy LLC

University of Wyoming Trustee

First Term: 3/1/25 - 3/1/27

Ken Hendricks

Ken Hendricks

Wyoming Oil and Gas Commissioner

Flint Creek Consulting

First Term: 12/05/17 - 3/1/18
Second Term: 3/1/18 - 3/1/21
Third Term: 3/1/21 - 3/1/24